Dana Point Doheny Village

Dana Point Doheny Village

The City of Dana Point is in the midst of a comprehensive planning effort for the Doheny Village area.  Opticos Design, Inc. was recently hired to further refine the vision plan developed by ROMA Design Group in 2013.  Working with the community, Opticos will refine the vision document as well as prepare a new zoning code which will serve as the regulatory framework for the vision.  The end result will be a form-based code that embraces the unique and rich “maker” culture that is the historical foundation of Doheny Village that still exists today while promoting a walkable village with a mix of uses to serve area residents and visitors.

The links below provide information about the early vision document prepared by ROMA, as well as reports and documents prepared by Opticos, and all City Council agenda items beginning in June 2015 until adoption of the new zoning code.

Presentations and Information:

Doheny Village Plan Dana Point

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